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Are you losing money because of your Septic System?

Stop doing it right now with these tips we are sharing with you to make sure you don’t lose money ever again because of your septic system.

A faulty septic system represents many things, all of them negative and usually disastrous. Clogged septic systems that back up and cause severe damages to your property and your life , making you waste time, money and even worse, risking your health and your family’s.


  • Pump Regularly.

A septic system must be pumped every 2 to 3 years in order to keep it working efficiently.


  • Keep it chemical free.

Thinner, varnish, paint and any other chemicals MUST stay away from your septic system. If you’re working with any of these substances, make sure everything’s thoroughly clean and residues free before rinsing your tools and avoid chemicals going down your drain.


  • Beware of excessive water flow.

Make a laundry schedule, be careful with the hot tub and generally keep the water flow moderate. Large and heavy water inflows can cause severe damage to your septic system.


  • Say goodbye to the garbage disposal.

A garbage disposal is the closest thing to a curse when you have a septic system. All that solid waste is going to translate straight into clogging and failure of your septic system, which itself will translate in a headache and a waste of money.



  • Avoid powder detergent.

If you’ve ever added water to a handful of powder detergent, you probably know it tends to form lumps and clump around de edges of your sink. Well, you can expect that same reaction will occur in your septic system resulting in clogging. Then your septic system will back up and you will officially have a have a mess in your hands, so be wise and choose a liquid detergent to stay clog free.


  • Watch the toilette.

Only organic waste should go in the toilette, everything else must be disposed of in the trash can.


  • Never use drain cleaners.

And tone down your chemical cleaners whatsoever. Your septic tank works with bacteria that break down all the waste that comes in it, harsh chemicals mess up the balance in your tank causing difficulties when it comes to process the matter in your tank.


Lifestyle guru Lisa Schulte has a couple recipes of safe homemade cleaners that you can use on your septic tank. If you follow these simple tips, you can guarantee your septic tank will work efficiently and without any major complications. If a septic emergency arises please call us on (845) 452-1123 or (800) 696-6878 and we will guarantee to keep your septic system working properly all the time.

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