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Owning A Septic Tank: The Essentials To Longevity

A septic system, when done properly, pretty requires no maintenance at all, save the occasional cleaning. But that’s not even your responsibility. All you have to do is remember to hire us and we’ll take care of it in no time. Owning a septic system can mean one of two things. It can either mean that you’re going to waste a ton of money due to negligent habits like flushing items down the train that cannot dissolve, like coffee grounds or paper towels, or it can mean that you actually save a ton of money on taxes, since you’ll be the only person responsible for its upkeep. So depending on how independent and how responsible you want to be, hiring Jones Septic for a top quality Dutchess County NY Septic Tank Installation could just be one of the best decisions you make for your home!

Upon getting a new tank installed, with all of the latest technology and best available materials, you won’t have to worry about replacing it again for up to two full decades! In fact, the system itself, when well constructed and well maintained, could last you indefinitely. The only thing you’ll have to replace after twenty long years of solid, reliable service, is the leach field. That’s the area underground where all the pipes are. But even with the pipes, provided you get your routine pumping every three or so years, you don’t flush anything foolish down the toilet, and you make a least bit of effort to minimize how much water you use, you should be scott free for quite some time.

Another important rule is to not put any materials that may kill the bacteria that live in the septic system. This is vital because the bacteria filter the matter and scum from the wastewater. Bacteria is one of the most crucial aspects of owning a septic system, so treat them well. Without bacteria, the water can’t be cleaned, so when it’s released into the soil, it will contaminate it. This not only creates an environmental hazard, but will also cause you to form tensions with your township and probably land you a hefty fine.

You may have seen advertisements for septic system additives. They spin it in such a way that it will reduce costly cleaning expenses. This is basically just not true. Cleaning your system is a necessity no matter what, and those additives usually don’t really make any difference at all. There have even been some court cases due to accusations of fraudulent sales. There isn’t any scientific evidence proving the effectiveness of additives and they will ultimately end up causing you spend more, rather than less. So beware.

So remember, no non-dissolvable substances or materials down the drain. Avoid excessive use of chemicals that will harm the bacteria that clean the water. Get your system pumped every three years. And do not waste your money on additives that ultimately will do nothing for you or your septic system. Follow those steps, and you will have the optimal amount of longevity in your septic system.

Have we convinced you yet? All you need to do is call Jones Septic at 845-452-1123 to set up your Dutchess County NY Septic Tank Installation today. For more information, you should also check out our website.

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