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5 Golden Rules for Maintaining Your Septic System

Septic system are not uncommon for many American families and Dutchess County NY Septic Tank Cleaning is essential to keep New York households septic systems in good shape.

As your own home’s sewage system, it’s of utmost importance that you keep your septic system running smoothly. That’s the best way to keep your septic system out of sight and out of mind; well at least on a negative way. A clean and odorless septic system requires maintenance but that maintenance can save you a whole lot of trouble and unnecessary headaches.

Following these 5 simple rules will make a huge difference in your life, not only in the way your septic system works but also in your lifestyle decisions. Being mindful and better organised in order to give proper care to your septic tank, may also help you improve other aspects of your life whilst saving you lots of time and money.

The 5 golden rules for maintaining your septic tank are as follows:


  1. Keep close watch of the water level

    You and your family have to be careful not to put too much water in the septic tank at once. Heavy loads of water can upset the balance within the tank and hinder its ability to work properly. Further, too much water can also cause it to back up, which can cause a huge mess and an unpleasant experience in your home.

    Get organised with your family, schedule several different laundry days and wash small loads each time. Reduce your weekly amount of long baths and try to opt for quick showers as often as possible and be mindful about flushing the toilet and washing the dishes to avoid water overloads.

  2. Go organic with your cleaning and septic tank treatments

    Avoiding harsh chemicals is key to preserve the properties of your septic tank, which uses bacteria to breakdown waste inside your tank. Using chemical products to clean your bathroom when you have a septic system can damage it because many of these products contain fillers and not many active ingredients. Additionally, the harsh chemicals have a negative effect as it makes you septic tank lose his abilities to break down waste through the bacteria that live in it.

    Organic septic tank treatments, can considerably improve the balance in a tank after harsh cleaners, soaps and detergents have been over used. Many of these chemicals will find their way into your septic tank as long as you keep using them at home. Choose an organic septic tank treatment, which can also help eliminate odors, improve drainage, prevent groundwater pollution and control odors from sewers. Also, check out the organic alternatives to your everyday soap and detergents, like  baking soda and apple vinegar amongst others.

  3. Be careful with what what you put down the drain

    Learn to separate your garbage and maybe even about recycling. Coffee grounds, cooking fats, heavy duty paper towels, diapers, facial tissues and cigarette butts and other household waste are septic system friendly. Use coffee grounds and other disposals to create compost, for example. Separate the rest of your trash and join a recycling program or at least be mindful enough not to put toilette paper and other products like such down your drain. These items will not decompose within the tank and will plug the system instead, which will generate a nightmare-like situation for you and your family.

  4. Keep grease away from your septic system

    Never, ever dump grease down your drain. Grease creates build up, which translates into a clogged pipes that can plug system. Keep grease in a separate container and throw it out as the rest of your garbage without using your drainage system to get rid of it.

  5. Clean your septic tank consistently

    Depending on the size of the tank, the amount of wastewater and how many solids are in the septic tank you’ll need to pump and clean your septic time with more or less frequency. Usually, Dutchess County NY Septic Tank Cleaning is performed every 2 to 5 years, good maintenance is a key factor when it comes to how often you should clean out your septic tank. However, if any fouls smell are coming from your septic tank, if there are any plugged drains, if the drains are slow or if any other part of your septic system is showing any signs of distress, the best thing you can do is getting touch with us, calling Jones Septic at 845 452 1123 or 800 696 6878. We’re ready to solve any of your septic emergencies.

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