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What To Ask About The Tank Before You Buy

How is the house hunt going? Feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the hidden variables that go into what defines a pass versus a keeper? One place has a nice living room but no yard. Another has a great location with lots of privacy but is entirely too small. And then, of course, we cannot forget about the plumbing. Ah yes, that tiny little detail that all too many people forget to check when examining a house. And by check, we’re not just talking about flushing all the toilets during a walkthrough. We’re talking a full examination of the functionality of the property’s wastewater system, preferably by a professional. In the interest of transparency, we’re going to tell you exactly what to ask about if the house you’re looking at has a septic system. Brought to you by your local Poughkeepsie NY septic tank repairs company.

When was the septic installed?

Regulations on wastewater management change every several years. And with each update, the best practices on installation, maintenance and repair tend to change as well. That means that if the system was installed long enough ago, it could have dated parts. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you should move on to the next house. But it should at least be your first red flag that it’s time to get a more experienced eye on the case.

Who installed the system?

It’s a good idea to investigate who did the job in the first place. Were they licensed professionals? Does their company have any history of negligent or sub par performance? Did the owners of the home at the time have a permit when this company installed the system? Was the township in agreement? This may sound excessive, but each of those questions, with the wrong answers, could have serious consequences on your living experience if you agree to buy this house. It’s better to be a pest than a victim.

What size is the system?

Septic tanks come in multiple sizes. The frequency by which they must be cleaned, pumped, and repaired depends on how often they’re used. How often they’re used, and how quickly they fill, depends on how many people are using it. So if you are looking for a nice cozy home for you and just your partner, have at it. But if you’ve got kids or other roommates, that means two to three times more people using not only the toilet, but also the shower and washing machine.

Does the system look like the owners have kept up with maintenance?

You’re welcome to take a gander yourself to see how it looks. A septic system doesn’t have to look like a shiny work of art, but it shouldn’t like like it’s about to explode either. Also, if the terrain around the system seems damp and soggy, that’s not a good sign. That means the tank isn’t doing its job properly. If you have your doubts, that’s another valid reason to put a new set of eyes on the case.

Want some help to make sure the tank meets industry standards? Or have you already found an issue that you’d like a professional to take care of? Either way, Jones Septic, a Poughkeepsie NY septic tank repairs company, is here to help. For more information on our services, give us a call today at 845-452-1123.

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