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How Hair Affects Your Septic Tank

Almost everyone has experienced their drains or sinks being clogged due to an excess of hair.  This is pretty normal, as we all lose hair – some more than others.  When this happens, we usually unclog our drains and forget that it even happened.  What happens, though, when you have a septic tank?  Can your septic tank be affected by hair?


The simple answer is yes.  This is because hair is composed of tough strings of proteins, which are not easily broken down by bacteria compared to other organic waste.  This means that they aren’t able to be broken down in 24 to 48 hours, which is the normal time a substance will be held in a septic tank.  As a result, the hair stays intact for months while it is being held in the septic tank and pipes.  This becomes a problem when it clogs the tank, which occurs when the hair traps waste and doesn’t allow it to flow past.  When this happens, slow draining and backups usually occur.


Just because you and your family members lose hair, however, doesn’t always mean that the tank will be affected.  Some septic tanks have filters in the outlet baffle that trap the hair and remove it from the system during maintenance cleanings.  In addition, another important factor is the size of the tank.  If the tank is the proper size for the household use and there is an adequate hold time for the wastewater, the hair will settle and become part of the sludge at the bottom of the tank.  When you get Poughkeepsie NY septic tank cleaning, the sludge (including the hair) will be removed.


One thing to be cautious of is using chemicals to dissolve the hair.  Some people make the mistake of doing this in hopes that it will prevent clogging.  Instead, harsh chemicals actually kill the bacteria in the tank; without this bacteria, the waste cannot be broken down.


If hair is affecting the functionality of your septic tank, one of the best ways to fight against it is by getting Poughkeepsie NY septic tank cleaning every 3 to 5 years.  For more information, contact us at Jones Septic Services.

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