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How to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

Through time, we’ve come to realize that some of our household habits are harming the environment.  Although many of us don’t mean to, it’s a harsh reality that we’ve all taken part in.  With this realization, however, many alternatives have been created to make our home eco-friendly.  If you’re interested in making your home environmentally friendly, here are some of the changes that you can make.  (Related topics: Poughkeepsie NY septic tank pumping, Poughkeepsie NY septic tank cleaning)


Solar Power

Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight to electricity.  This works by allowing particles of light to knock electrons free from atoms, generating a flow of electricity.  These solar energy systems do not produce air pollution, water pollution, or greenhouse gases, making them environmentally friendly.  It also reduces the use of other energy sources, which is a great benefit.


Use Less Water

Being cautious of your water use is a great way to help the environment.  This one may be difficult, as you’ll need to change your daily habits.  You can start by not letting the water run when you brush your teeth, taking shorter showers, fixing any leaks, and even installing low-flow shower heads and faucets.  Not only is this environmentally friendly, but your wallet will thank you.



When you insulate your home, it helps regulate the temperature of your home.  For instance, if you’re experiencing a cold winter, the outside temperature won’t affect the temperature inside your home.  This is great, as your heating and cooling system won’t have to work as hard to maintain your desired temperature.


Septic Tanks

Septic tanks are waste management alternatives.  These systems rely on a natural process to break down household waste.  Once the bacteria breaks down waste, the fluid is taken to a drainfield.  From there, the waste trickles through the aggregate, a layer of rocks and soil, to be filtered.  It is then reintroduced into the water table, making this whole process eco-friendly.

At Jones Septic Services, we want you to be included in helping the environment.  If you need a Poughkeepsie NY septic tank installation, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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