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How to Properly Care for your Septic System

Home improvement is a tedious and mind-numbing task. It is also daunting for those of us who can barely change a light-bulb. There are certain property systems that are easier to tend than others and some that are baffling to most us. One of those is the septic system. If you live in a rural area you’re no doubt familiar with them. You are familiar with the form and function of a septic system. To summarize, a septic system is your own onsite sewage treatment facility. It is important to stay on top of this system because it is what handles our waste and keeps our property healthy (so to speak). A septic system is out of sight and is normally odorless when handled properly.

Septic systems are known for being out of sight and requiring very little maintenance. Unfortunately, there are things we do regularly that affect the life and longevity of our septic systems. Be mindful about what you and your family put into your septic system. It doesn’t take much to upset the delicate biological balance within the tank. To extend the life of your septic system, you should keep the following things in mind.

Excessive Water Use

Excess water use with your household chores or daily routine increments the work done by septic systems thus defeating its ability to work wonders. The tank lasts long but it is also quite delicate in the sense that too much water can upset the biological balance.

Overuse of Household Chemicals

Household chemicals such as detergents, bleaches and drain cleaners are fine if used moderately but these too will have long term effects if too much is dumped down the drain.

Dumping Food Waste

Refrain from depositing coffee grounds, cooking fats and paper towels down the drain. These foods and household items require more work from the septic system and take a lot longer to decompose than other foods. Paper towels do not dissolve easily and will eventually plug the system.

Don’t Dump Grease Down the Drain

Grease is one of the main reasons why our septic systems become clogged. These fats accumulate in the sewer pipes and build up in the septic tanks. It is important to keep a separate container for this grease and throw it out with the garbage.

By following some of these rules you will guarantee longevity to your septic system. Septic Systems also need to be pumped every two years by a licensed professional to make sure everything is functioning properly.  A septic tank in a northern climate requires more maintenance than a tank in the south. This is mainly due to climate changes. Jones Septic is a family owned company pumping and cleaning septic systems since 1950. If you’re looking for septic pumping Amenia NY, or septic pumping Hopewell NY make sure to call the #1 team for the job. Foul odor, slow drains and backups are all signs that you need a professional to look at your system, call Jones Septic now for your free estimate.

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