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Protect Your Septic System: Don´t Flush These Items Down Your Toilet

If you need a Septic Pumping in Milan NY, Jones Septic has got you covered.

You may think that everyone but a baby knows not to flush toys down the toilet. However, surprisingly, not every responsible adult knows what´s suitable for flushing and what´s not. Find out with these points what can damage your toilet, your sewage system as well as your septic tank. With Jones Septic you can feel confident in a high level of customer service when it comes to any kind of Septic Emergencies in NY.

Below find 9 things that Jones Septic says you should never flush down your loo.

“Flushable Baby Wipes” & Sanitary Wipes

Although on the label it suggests that these wipes are “flushable,” the truth is they do not disintegrate in water as quickly as toilet paper. You should try it yourself. Place a “flushable” wipe in water for an hour, as well as placing regular toilet paper in water for the same period of time. It is obvious to see that the “flushable” wipe will stay intact, whereas the toilet paper will be broken apart quickly. This shows that these supposedly “flushable” wipes can cause blockages in sewer pipes and clog your septic system.

Dental Floss

Whether it´s waxed or un-waxed, the recommendation is never to put this in your toilet. Dental floss creates a web style net which catches high amounts of debris, clogging both your toilet and septic system. It can also wind around moving parts in a septic system that can lead to burnt out motors or even worse, a complete septic system shutdown.

Cat Mess/Litter

Although many companies say their cat litter is flushable, Jones Septic do not recommend putting it down the toilet. The water-saving toilets of today use only 1.5 gallons of water per flush. This quantity of water is not enough to keep the cat litter moving efficiently through your pipes. It also adds more impurities to the water, which results in plants working harder unnecessarily.


The simple fact of the matter is that hair will never dissolve in water. It will in fact float. It will also get caught on anything that comes its way and will snag on to the insides of your pipes. You should be careful that no hair finds its way into your toilet. If it does, you should fish it out immediately, otherwise you could face a large repair bill.


Condoms will definitely clog your toilet as well as your septic tank. You should wrap it in tissue and put it in the bin. Never put a condom in the toilet. Period.

Diapers/Paper Towels/Sanitary Napkins

If you think about it, all these products are designed to absorb water, not break apart in water. These items should be disposed of carefully and respectfully in the trash. You will avoid big maintenance fees, if you avoid placing these items in your toilet.

Candies & Chewing Gum

Chewing gum and other sugar related candies will never dissolve in the water of your toilet. It gets worse as well. Because of the thick and sugary texture, it can very easily lead to a clog in your sewage system or septic tank. You should wrap it in some tissue and put it in the trash.

Grease & Greasy Products

When you put grease into the toilet if probably starts off as a liquid. However once cooled, grease will solidify creating a very powerful and annoying blockage. It takes a professional to remove these kinds of blocks. So, be careful and don´t put grease in your toilet unless you want a big bill.

Medicine/Illegal Drugs

Water in your toilet is unable to destroy the active ingredients found in your medication or drugs. Whatever you put in the toilet, has to be extracted from the water in order to recycle it safely. This means your local water treatment facility has to invest in the technology and equipment to remove it harmlessly.

There is a slight exception to this point. The FDA have a list of drugs that can be lethal to people and pets. Any drug found on this list should be flushed down the toilet.

To conclude your toilet and septic system was designed to dispose of human waste and not a lot else. Should you use your system for any other purpose the chances are you will damage your sewage pipes as well your septic tank. Not to mention in can have a knock-on effect throughout your community’s water supply.

Should you be in the need of Septic Pumping in Milan NY, contact Jones Septic. A team of dedicated and experienced individuals who are determined to keep your septic system as healthy as possible. Give them a call today on 845-452 1123.

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